dressing baby for sleep

How to Dress Your Baby for Sleep: A Simple Guide

Dressing your baby for sleep can be stressful. You want them to be comfortable but also safe. Here’s a straightforward guide to ensure your baby sleeps soundly without overheating or getting too cold.

What is the Ideal Temperature for Baby Sleep?

Aim for a room temperature of 20°C - 22°C. If your home is outside this range, adjust your baby’s clothing accordingly. Babies can be comfortable even in temperatures outside the recommended range if dressed properly.

How to Dress Your Baby for Sleep

Dress your baby similarly to how you are dressed. If you're in warm pyjamas and a blanket, consider a sleep sack or swaddle for your baby. If you’re in a light shirt and sheet, a onesie and lightweight sleep sack should suffice. Our Dream with Baker Swaddle Bags are perfect as pyjamas for babies, but they will need an additional swaddle or sleeping bag with an appropriate TOG rating over the top for added warmth.

Check Baby’s Comfort

Feel your baby’s core (chest, back, and tummy) to gauge their comfort level. If their core feels warm but not sweaty, they’re likely dressed just right. If they’re sweaty or flushed, they might be too warm; reduce layers. If their core feels cool, add a layer like thicker pyjamas or a warmer sleep sack.

Signs of Overheating or Being Too Cold

Overheating: Sweaty neck or hair, flushed cheeks, clammy core.

Too Cold: Cool core, cool fingers and toes are normal, but check the core.

Adjusting Layers

Newborns typically need one layer more than adults. Avoid adding blankets to the cot; use appropriate sleepwear or a sleep sack instead. Hats/beanies are not recommended for sleep.

Using Baby Monitors

Baby monitors can sometimes be inaccurate. Instead of relying solely on them, observe the room temperature and your baby’s comfort directly.

Safe Sleep Practices

Ensure your baby sleeps in a firm, flat cot or bassinet with no loose bedding. Always place them on their back to sleep, and avoid using loose accessories.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your baby sleeps comfortably and safely. For more tips on baby sleep and clothing, explore our range at Dream with Baker.

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